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Update on Folkestone Road SPS Upgrade and Generators

21st August 2024

As we celebrate the halfway point at our project at Folkestone road, our team have been busily meeting key milestones. We have been tasked with replacing the new generators. The existing generators have been removed and disposed of. These have been replaced with two new 1250Kva generators repositioned outside, on the newly constructed elevated 15mx13m concrete slab.

We have also replaced the four existing transformers with two new larger 2000Kva transformers, which has been installed and cabled up in readiness for commissioning.

Our site wide cabling is about 80% completed to prepare for the Motor Control Cabinets (MCCs) installation which is due October 2024.

Finally, pumps 5, 6 and 7 have been commissioned, providing storm resilience of 2600/sec to Thames Water’s operational team.

Thanks to the entire team for continuing to do a tremendous job, delivering this critically important power resilience scheme for Thames Water.