Customer care and consideration for the communities in which we work is embedded in our culture and values.
We focus on providing an ideal customer experience. Key objectives throughout the lifecycle of our projects include minimising disruption and informing the community about the services we are delivering, which helps them understand why short term disturbances are occurring and the investment being made in their community. Our teams are actively engaged through contact such as home visits, setting up drop-in centres and using information posters that illustrate the work we will be carrying out in their neighbourhood.
We also aim to enhance the local communities in which we work, to provide a lasting positive impression of both ourselves and our customers. It is this focus that has led to Barhale being recognised, as for various client and industry accolades.
We also like to get involved with communities further afield which has demonstrated by our fundraising for WaterAid to help communities access safe water and sanitation in 26 countries around the world. Our teams also volunteer locally to assist with community projects or to simply make someone’s day a little easier. An example of this was in January 2016, when some our team in Walsall transformed the garden at Acorns over the course of a week for the residents to enjoy. Further details on this story can be found here.