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Fostering harmony at Westlodge Primary School

29th May 2024

Barhale and Westlodge Primary school in Pinner, Middlesex collaborated on a transformative project to create a Peace Garden at the school. This initiative enables staff and children a serene space for reflection and mindfulness. The project designed by architect firm, ARUP included the elements, earth, water, fire, air and space within the allocated space.

Barhale’s involvement was to support the school with the fire element and to that end, constructed the Peace Circle which extends over a 3m space and is built using stones and concrete to create a raised area and seating arrangement. The central feature of the garden is the solar flame, positioned on an elevated surface a the centre.


During the course of the works, our site personnel identified and repaired a faulty manhole which had been causing drainage and landscape problems for the school.

The official launch of the Peace Garden was marked by a special ceremony on Monday 22nd April 2024 attended by pupils, staff, governors, religious and local dignitaries as well as representatives from Barhale. The ceremony included speeches and meditation, signifying the start of a new chapter of peace and harmony at the school. It also demonstrated the positive impact of collaboration and Barhale’s commitment to community engagement and social responsibility as well as enriching the lives within the communities we work in.