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Gaining momentum with the Developer Services Framework

7th June 2024

Following our appointment to Thames Water’s £250m Developer Services Framework, we’re already spearheading essential works in Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire – paving the way for key infrastructure and development schemes.

At Botley Road, Oxford, we are carrying out water mains diversions as vital enabling works for Network Rail’s Oxford Station expansion. A new housing development is driving our project at The Heritage in Hertford, where we are installing new trunk sewer connections for an exclusive scheme overlooking the River Beane.

In Aylesbury, at Wendover Road, we are completing a legacy project to enable new major road construction. Our Barhale team will install a new trunk and distribution mains connection and commission.

The major Projects for Developer Services and Infrastructure Programme Framework was created by Thames Water to focus on the provision of infrastructure services required to meet the needs of third parties and covers a range of larger-scale, more complex works. The programme also covers Network Reinforcement – projects to enhance, develop or perform major repairs to Thames Water’s network.